On My Way

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back at it again

Okay, it's time to get things back on track here, including my blogging. First, I have to say, I had a FABULOUS vacation visiting my son and his wife in Germany. I don't have the words to share what I felt. I have lived in Germany myself, twice when my dad was stationed there, and once when my ex-husband was stationed there. The first time I was too young to remember much. The second time I was in high school and graduated while there. Because I was in the band, I got to travel a lot, but didn't realize just how lucky I was, because, afterall, it was how I spent my high school years. The last time I lived there as an adult, but in our early years of marriage and therefore, money was tight most of the time and/or he could never get time away from work, so we simply lived there rather than take advantage of our opportunities. I must say, however, that there is difference that I think is quite huge. The last time I lived there was 1982-1985. My son was born there and we experienced our first VCR while there. There was so much around me that I wasn't even aware of. However, times are SO very different now! With computers and gps systems, there's no excuse to not know what is nearby or how to get there. Just as a "for instance", we drove by one of the places I had once lived, and in route, Steve pointed out a building and asked what it was. I didn't know. When we got home that night I looked on the internet and discovered it was a summer palace for past royalty. I had no idea! Thanks to the internet, my daughter-in-law was able to do searches to find things for us to get out to explore that were near enough to not cost a lot of travel money. What a whole new way to discover your surroundings!

The other thing that really struck me was odd. I grew up a military brat, then was a military wife, so until recent years, have spent my whole life on the move. Until moving to Tucson, I had never lived more than 3 1/2 years in one place, averaging about 2 1/2 years per location. Home for me has always been where ever I was. My family refers to Florida as "home" because it is where both my parents come from (my dad originally from NY). But Florida has never called to me. Actually, no PLACE ever has. Tucson was my ex's last duty assignment, this is where we were when the divorce took place, my son was in high school and I had a good job, so wasn't emotionally prepared to uproot, so this is where I am now. Well, for the first time in my life, a place called out to me. While in Germany I felt a calling like I have never felt before. I felt that I should be there, NEED to be there, just for a year or two. I stood outside and looked around and felt safer, healthier, greener, and that it was calling to me, whispering in my ear. I have NEVER felt anything like that before. When it was time to go, I felt a real resolve that I would find my way back.

Now, back to reality. I did some checking on NAF jobs and they are only available to family members stationed in the area. I checked on Civil Service jobs, and in order to transfer you have to already be on "career track", which I believe means you have to already be at least three years employed. That would involved getting a new job, relocating, and hoping that in three years I could transfer. Sad thing of that is I don't know that I would still feel the urge to be there in three years. I am starting to sense other obligations coming my way that may not allow it at that time. I know it's now or never. So I started checking some other employment routes. I find job postings if I am willing to go back to my pre-kindergarten teaching. But to do the kind of work I do now would require me to be fluent in the German language. I know enough to get me around, but certainly nothing even close to enough to work in. I have one other thing I want to check on, but I am not holding my breath. I think with each day that passes, I realize it is simply a wishlist dream. If it doesn't happen now, it won't be able to happen later. But I guess that is how life goes.

Beyond all that, the reason I have this blog, the weight issue. Well, when I first arrived at my son's home, I got on their scale. And while I was there, the most I was ever up was three pounds, but that didn't stay. We were there for almost three weeks. I had given myself permission to enjoy food. I took my running shoes, but in truth never did any running. However, we walked ALOT! On days we didn't go anywhere, Steve and I took a half hour walk. But at least every other day we went somewhere, and on those days we walked for hours. One of the great joys of the country. We would usually park somewhere in the altstadt (old city) and then just set out on foot. I had in my mind three foods I definitely wanted while I was there. And, I found all three...lol. One of them was a cake, and I was afraid I wouldn't find it and was afraid to use the word I remembered it being called as I wasn't confident it was correct. But anytime we passed a bakery, I walked in to see, and found it.....in the little town next to where the kids live! When I asked her to say it for me, I was pretty darn close on what it was called, only had one letter in the long word wrong. Not too bad....lol. After all, we do remember the important things, right?

Since being back, I have tried to get back on track. The first week I hit the track a couple times to do my running/walking. Considering I hadn't run in a month, I was pleased with how I did. This past week, I didn't go but twice. I picked up a summer cold and was just miserable with sinus pain and trying to breathe. But got back there yesterday. I'm still not back on routine, but hopefully this week will be. I haven't been great with my food. I have to get my mind back in the game and get control of myself again. The last session of the biggest loser contest ended the week I left and the next session doesn't start until August. So I haven't had accountablity for weigh-ins. And not having a great scale at home, I'm not sure exactly where I stand. The home scale doesn't show much difference, but it has never been very accurate compared to my weigh-ins. I guess I should go stop by the fitness center and weigh in on that scale.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a ood trip! And you didn't gain weight on holiday. I'm impressed!
