On My Way

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Just a quick update. Life has been, well, let's just say very full lately. On our last day of school, we were caught completely off guard when 13 of my co-workers were given notice of being laid off. We really never saw it coming. In fact, a couple months ago we were all made to go to a meeting where we were assured our department was "safe" this year because we had been hit so badly last year. We were lied to. I still have a job at the moment, but what and where that job will be is currently up in the air. Apparently there is a complete restructuring happening, and "centralizing" seems to be the target. It would take me off site of my employees, which reverses every thought about why I was put there in the first place. There are some duties of my job I would be unable to do if not on site, which is why my manager said he is fighting against the idea. So, I hold my breath and wait. June was suppose to be a good month for me to take vacation as our location is being shut down for repaving and summer routes are being run from downtown. Now, I have no idea what will happen while I am gone for three weeks nor where I will be reporting to work when I get back. Nice thing to have hanging over my head while on vacation, huh? But I know, it could be worse. Just been a bad week in SO many ways, I am emotionally exhausted. Ever feel like you are being attacked from all sides? My current fantasy? To hide away all weekend and just sleep...........no issues.
Okay, enough of all that. In spite of things, I did get nearly all my exercise in this week. I had a few week moments on the food side of things, but actually did not do emotional eating....even though I have had plenty of reason to fall back into that cycle! I went a little off course last Saturday night when we were at the goth birthday party. And on Wednesday, as a "happy end of the year" gift one of my employees gave me a very small dark chocolate bar and reminded me how "good for you" dark chocolate is. Well, heck.....it's good for me, right? So yes, I ate it, but I shared it with the man that occassionally shares my office. Anyway, the results of all this at weigh-in last ngiht? Down 0.8 pounds. Not a lot, but under the circumstances of this week, I am pleased. I was sincerely afraid there would be a gain.
One quick note of a highlight of the week. Wednesday evening I got to hang out with my grandchildren so their parents could go out. I had SUCH a great time with them! They are so special. My daughter and her husband are doing an amazing job as parents. Those are the things that holds the soul together when the rest of the world is pulling it apart!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the layoffs. My company is doing ok so far but Cara's laid off server people over ther last few months. We know how you feel.

    On a lighter note, get your a** over to fitago more often. It is growing slowly, but changing every day and we would like your input and participation.

    If you would like to start at new group for your walking friends, you/we can do that.

    Come play with us!
