On My Way

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Personal Best......So Far

Here it is two and a half weeks since my last blog. Shame on me!

Well, my next session of biggest loser is underway. I cannot share the exact numbers from weigh-ins as I don't remember them. What I can say is that the first weigh-in was less than two pounds more than my final weigh-in last session (which was first week in June). Considering the travels and hit-and-miss with my diet and exercise, not too shabby. I know that the second week I was down....I think just a little less than two pounds. Last week I was down, but was chatting and didn't pay attention to the numbers to get an exact number, but Vera made the comment that I was down two pounds....so about that. So...I am losing again. The problem with the numbers is I now have a good scale at home and get on it often and then get the numbers mixed with the one at my official weigh-in. It seems their scale is almost two pounds more than mine. Anyway....downward progress is always good. I just need to pay better attention next time to get a real number to start working with.

Meanwhile, I acheived a personal best this weekend. Anyone that has read my blogs knows I hit the indoor track and walk/run. I am now up to doing 2 laps of running for every one lap of walking. However, I try to do more than two the first time around. I have done as many as four laps at one time on my first round. But getting back on track this week I was doing three laps for my first round. Well, Saturday morning I don't know what possessed me, but once I started my first round, I kept going and made six laps.....that is half a mile. Now I know for everyone else that is running, half a mile is nothing. But for me, running half a mile without stopping to walk is a personal best since I was 25 years old (23 years ago). It definitely helped in the motivation department! When I first started adding running to my walks, my thought was would I ever be able to run a mile without stopping to walk. Well.....I am half way there! Now I don't expect to necessarily be able to do it again tomorrow, but we'll see. Some days just seem to work better than others, while some days it takes everything I have to make it around the next corner of that darn track.

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