On My Way

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Monday, February 2, 2009

How About Those Steelers!!!!! WooHoo!

What a GREAT game the Superbowl was!!! I am so happy the Steelers won, mainly for my son. The room was crowded with Arizona fans.....nothing but red everywhere! So my son and I were the only black and gold colors in the room. Ahhhh......sweet victory! It was a great party!

I think I handled the food part of the day well. We got there and yes, there were already tons of food there with more yet to arrive. Eating was going on constantly. But I checked myself and I wasn't really hungry, so I left the food alone. A while later when I did feel myself getting hungry, I ate. Yes, I ate carbs. But I stayed in control of the amount. I ate a bit of nachos....not a full bowl....just put some chips on about a third of my plate and scooped some cheese over them. I also had 5 of those little weenies rolled in cresent rolls. That was enough, I was done. I walked away feeling plenty satisfied. Now, admittedly, later in the evening when desserts started being cut into, I did have a small piece of the cream cheese pie we had brought over. And later, we had a birthday boy there with a cake that looked so good. I originally said no thank you to any of it. But I did end up eating 2 or 3 bites (not huge) off of my guy's piece. That was a "cave-in" moment. But that's okay. The rest of what I ate I had thought out and decided I would eat before I did. They were not moments of weekness. It was planned cheating, I guess, but because it was planned I stayed in control. And considering ALL the food that was there, all the mexican food that looked so good, and all the desserts, I am actually feeling good about how I handled the day. OH......and I got in my four bottles of water while I was there, too. I had taken one soda with me, but never opened it. Just drank water the entire time. No soda, no shots, no anything else. As we got home I started to feel hungry. But I didn't give into it. I knew I had eaten enough food and that the feeling hungry was probably just the blood sugar levels changing because of the carbs I had eaten. So I went to bed without reacting to it.

Tonight I may try a new exercise class with a few other ladies from our biggest loser class. It's Zumba.....suppose to be dance exercise class. I let you know how it goes.

Here's to Monday and a great start to a successful week!

1 comment:

  1. GO STEELERS!!!!

    WHAT A GAME!!!!!


    Great job on the food intake. I would definitely not have done as well as you. Mexican food is my all time favorite food on the planet. I can not resist it one bit! So great job.

    I've heard Zumba is a blast! A friend at weight watchers takes it and she says she has so much fun.
