On My Way

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

You Got Me

Okay, so Cara called me on it. It's been a week since I last wrote. And what a week it has been. Lots of issues happening within my life, but that's a different subject. We are here for the weight issue. Well, at weigh-in on Thursday I was down 0.8 pounds. Not much, I know, but a surprise none the less. I actually went in with cash in hand expecting to have gained. The workout was a real doosie. We were using those half-ball things for part of it (I forget what she called them). I discovered I don't have great balance! But it was a good workout. In fact, I went a bit overboard. I could feel my calves were getting too much, but not wanting to look like I couldn't handle it, I kept trying to keep up with the higher intensity version. I knew I would regret it later, and I did. It always seems I am not sore from the Thursday night workout until late Friday or Saturday morning. Well, we had our hike this Saturday morning and oh boy! We hiked 6.3 miles this week, and it took the first three miles for my calves to finally loosen up and quit screaming at me. The whole hike was just off for me. I am usually up with the front three people keeping a great pace. For some reason I just couldn't seem to sinc up with them. I know in the beginning it was because my calves hurt too badly, but once I got past that, I still just couldn't seem to get into it right. So I fell behind the front group I usually hike with, but was still ahead of the slower part of our group. I also know a large part of this is probably because I did not do my walks this week....not since our hike last weekend. Hmmm....a lesson to learn there, huh? The hike itself was really cool. Lots of climbing.....funny how it seems you go up much more than you go down, isn't it? We were on familiar trail most of the way, and then added a new trail while we were the farthest out. We ended up at a small dam. Because of our cold weather last week, we had snow on the mountains, and it was melting. There was actually water running through some of the creeks. Living in the desert, that is always a special treat. It really was beautiful! Okay, so this week will be better. I will get back to my walks, and do better with my food and water. I wasn't especially bad last week, just never got all my water in, and it seems every day I had one little something with too many carbs.....seriously, just a little something, but they add up obviously. And I know being stressed makes your body less willing to let the weight go, so hopefully this week will be better all around!

Thanks, Cara, for the encouring words! You are awesome!


  1. Hey, guess what?? You walked a 10K!!!

    Sweet, huh?

    Good job on getting back on track.

  2. Agreed! And good job with being called out and acting upon it. Lauri, you for years have been inspiration to me in so many things. You are now as well.

    I love you! Keep up the good work!
