On My Way

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Well, I didn't do yardwork tonight. I called my friend to confirm we were doing the 5:30 class and she suggested we go to the 4:3o class as well. So I rushed out of work to get there. The first class was another class with the big balls. It was good. Then we had a little time to kill before the next class, so I got on a bike machine and rode 1.85 miles. Then did the 2nd class. So I worked out for one hour and 45 minutes straight. It definitely felt good. In one week I have come to feel so comfortable at that gym. But tonight was the last night of the free pass. And I just can't afford the commitment financially required to join. So, tomorrow I am back on my own. Depending on what time I get done at work as to what I do. I think I am going to a workshop at 6pm. I am hoping to get off work and either hit the track or go by my place and do some yard between work and the workshop. If I can get my butt to work a little earlier tomorrow, then I can leave a little earlier affording me the time to do something.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about not being able to keep going to the gym. It really seems like you enjoy it and it's working for you.

    Maybe you like it because of the "Big Balls" class?? :) Sorry, there just has to be a different name for it! haha

    Whatever you do, just keep at it!
