On My Way

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Well, I've done it again. I've let a whole week go by without blogging. It seems I get on here and start reading everyone else's blogs, and then I don't have time to write my own. So now I have to catch up again.

The weekend went well. The first afternoon we were out camping, I had such a huge urge for chips. More specifically, nacho flavored doritos. I mean, what is camping without chips, right? Steve agreed about wanting some and said he had thought about bringing some, but knew it would be tough for me. At that point, all I knew was I wanted some. The next day he asked about getting in the car and finding the nearest store so I could get some. And believe it or not, I told him no. Believe me, I did want them........I could almost taste them. But I stayed on track and behaved while we were out there.

This week, I have to confess, I did sin. Three words........Girl Scout Cookies. Oh man. Tagalongs. I bought a box of them from someone at work and had them in my office fridge. Well, I did eat a couple a day until they were gone. Well, a couple a couple days, more than a couple on a couple days. I know, I know. I should have taken one and then dropped the box off at the office next door and got rid of them. Each day this week on my way to work I would think how I needed to do that, but then I didn't. Well, they are all gone now. So no more temptation in the office. And it will be another year before that temptation is at my door again.

Otherwise, I have done well this week. Got my water in most days. Stayed good with my food. My friend got a week-long pass for me to go with her to her gym, Ms. Fit. So I went with her Tuesday and Wednesday night. First night we hit machines for cardio and some arm machines. Second night we took a class with the big balls, then hit the cardio machines again. Tonight we had our biggest loser class. I'm not sure yet if she is planning on going tomorrow night. But we have our hike this Saturday, and then I am going with her on the last day of my pass on Monday to a Zoomba class (that is an uncertified Zumba class). So I have definitely been moving this week.

Tonight was weigh-in. Down 1.7 pounds. Making small weekly strides, but hopefully they will stick. That is now a total of 17.2 pounds lost. I'll take it!

1 comment:

  1. 1.7 pounds! Are you kidding me?! Who wouldn't take that. Maybe you had the magic weight loss girl scout cookies. I hear they're hard to find and cost about twice as much.

    Great job not getting the chips. I think we all know how hard that was.

    Keep up the good work!
